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The Real Bobcat

What if we exposed the fact that we're more than just Bobcats? We're human. We make mistakes, we fuck around, we have fun and we’re exactly what college should be – unpredictable. The crazy shit we experience beyond class and homework make up a huge part of who we are and who we will become – and we should NEVER have to hide those experiences. So, if you sit in class counting down the seconds till you can get shitfaced on a Thursday night, make it a habit to show up to class high or just love random crazy shit, then my friends, this site is for you! Given, everyone wants a job after they graduate, pennames will be used to ensure no one will judge you for sending in a story about the time you hooked up in between shelves on the sixth floor of Alden Library. This blog is open to short stories, confessions, suggestions and anything that is on your mind. Post comments or write to us for your own post at:


Send us in a picture of your beer pong table if you think you have the best on campus to Also include a description of the table (short awesome facts about the table).

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Roommate Burn Book

Here is your chance to vent about the worst roommates and roommate situations ever. Everyone has a story about a roommate. Tell us all about it.


  1. Just this past weekend, my roommate situation went from fine to hostile in a matter of an hour and a half. This is how it went down. I made wings for the football game and had a couple people over. My team lost so needless to say I was super bummed and my girlfriend and I didn't go out. Instead, we ended up crashing pretty early and since I didn't feel like doing anything that night I didn't clean up the wings (i had a prior agreement with my roommate that if I leave something out I just have to clean it up by noon the next day). My roommate came home about the time the bars let out and her and her yappy ass Chihuahua-looking bitch of a friend came over with her and woke me up talking loud in the living room and once i was awake, I realized they were not only talking loud, but talking about me! So I tuned in to the bash session and it went on for about an hour and a half about how gross it was she had to come home to plates with wings on them and how I'm gonna graduate and not know how to live on my own and how she's thinks she’s helping me make progress with being cleaner and is somehow “my savior”, but "rome wasn't built in a day." She's fuckin OCD so she cleans things about 7 times till you can see your reflection. They started bashing how my room is a mess and has clothes everywhere and how i got the big room and her friend said she wanted to see it. So she popped her ugly face into my room to take a peak and she saw me sitting up in bed watching her look in my room. When she saw me she gasped and rushed out of my room and whispered to my roommate that i was awake. Moments later, as if to think her eyes were just playing tricks on her, she had the audacity to come back in my room for double take. I looked at her pop in and she looked at me and i said, "Yeah, I'm awake. Close my door." She was like “sorry I just was looking at your room” and she closed my door. They whispered to each other and were shocked and probably embarrassed cuz how stupid can you be to bash your roommate while they're in the next room awake. So anyway, they bolted out of the house and I cleaned up my shit to make them feel dumb and I left a note on the fridge that read, "Part of being mature is having the balls to confront someone when you have a problem with them, not talk shit about them behind their back. But you know, Rome WASN'T built in a day, so maybe you can change too." I put a heart next to it and signed it just to be condescending. Now she’s practically running scared and can’t even make eye contact with me.

  2. i met my roommate the weekend before halloween in athens. we had a great time with the group we were with, got drunk and just had fun freezing and running around athens. that next week i decided that i couldnt handle the awkwardness of my old roommate and continued to move in with my new friend. i should have gotten to know this girl better. I am a VERY clean person. i like to not have trash in my trashcan, my desk spotless, and my bed always made for example. thats just me. i also have a nose like a dog, i can smell anything and everything. since i have moved in, my room has never smelled so bad from BO and feet and food, i have never felt so embaressed to have people over since her shit is everywhere. I even attempted to divide the room into your side and mine since she started using my stuff including my chairs and shit. and correct me if i am wrong but if someone is sleeping, would you come in in the middle of the night and flip on the lights? its just common sense to me not to do that, to keep ur side of the room atleast semi clean and if you know your shit smells gross, buy fabrezze

  3. My freshman year I thought it would be a good idea to do the whole random roommate thing thinking it would be a good way for me to meet some new people and all that. NOT THE CASE. I met my roommate for the first time when we both moved into the dorm. He was a classic nerd, spent most of the day on his computer, never watched any sports, was as socially appropriate as a fucking dildo. Even though he was the conversationally awkward person to ever walk the earth, he loved to talk. The kid never shut up. I a specifically remember an instance when he followed me from our room to the shitter so he could finish a story. I kid you not, while I was taking a shit this geek talked to me through the door, probably about how good he was at halo or something. Maybe I was too kind for letting it get that far, but like I said, I'm a nice guy and was trying to avoid confrontation because I was potentially going to have to live with this kid for the whole year. It got worse. He followed me everywhere. To the dinning hall, to my friend’s houses, to the bathroom (he really did). It got to the point where I would pretend to be going to the bathroom and I would sneak out so I didn't have to bring him with me. Every time I left the room he would ask me where I was going. When I told him, his catch phrase was, “Can I tag". I mostly said yes because I was trying to be a nice guy and didn't want this kid to hate me as we were only a few weeks into the first quarter. Once we were out, this kid was a social retard. What worse is he never shut up. He would try to introduce me to girls and say, "This is my roommate, he's shy". Fuck that kid. I barley let him come out with me and now I'm getting introduced by this reject of society. My friends would call me to go out on weekends and tell me I could go to their parties as long as my roommate didn't come. It sounds like I'm being a prick, bashing this kid but he totally deserves it. One night when I let him come out with me he decided he was gonna try to hang with me and my friends as we ripped shots and chugged beers. I don't know exactly what happened that night because he left the party without telling anyone, fell down Jeff Hill, cracked a rib, puked and pissed all over himself. Some good samaritan walking home, discovered my roommate passed out at the bottom of the hill, covered in his own puke and piss, and thankfully called am ambulance. Long story short, he showed up the next day, dropped off by the police. I will never forget the scene that took place as I opened the door to let him back into the building. Sprinting across east green, my roommate dashed out of the cop car carrying a filthy bag of his soiled clothes. He was wearing a diaper, a hospital gown, and hospital footies. Gown flapped in the wind, clearly showing the giant adult sized diaper he had underneath. I could not contain my laughter. Needless to say, he didn't come out with me anymore. This made things worse.

    Not to brag, but I brought back a few girls my freshmen year. Because my roommate didn't go out at all now, he would refuse to leave the room every time I needed some privacy with some slut I grabbed from the bar. Not only would he refuse to leave the room but HE WOULD STAY AWAKE ALL NIGHT EITHER TO TRY AND KEEP ME FROM FUCKING OR MAYBE JUST TO WATCH. I am not making this up. I would wait till 6 in the morning with some girl in my bed and my roommate would stay awake all night on his computer. Talk about cock block. He probably watched me fuck 30 times fall and winter quarter. Tell me you have had a worse roommate than that.
    Oh yeah I forgot to mention the time I walked in on him masturbating in MY FUCKING CHAIR! He wasn't even just masturbating, he was beating himself like he stole something.
    Now tell me you have had a worse roommate.
