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The Real Bobcat

What if we exposed the fact that we're more than just Bobcats? We're human. We make mistakes, we fuck around, we have fun and we’re exactly what college should be – unpredictable. The crazy shit we experience beyond class and homework make up a huge part of who we are and who we will become – and we should NEVER have to hide those experiences. So, if you sit in class counting down the seconds till you can get shitfaced on a Thursday night, make it a habit to show up to class high or just love random crazy shit, then my friends, this site is for you! Given, everyone wants a job after they graduate, pennames will be used to ensure no one will judge you for sending in a story about the time you hooked up in between shelves on the sixth floor of Alden Library. This blog is open to short stories, confessions, suggestions and anything that is on your mind. Post comments or write to us for your own post at:


Send us in a picture of your beer pong table if you think you have the best on campus to Also include a description of the table (short awesome facts about the table).

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Words of the Wise-The OU Survival Guide

As OU students, we have a certain understanding of "Do's", "Dont's", and anything in between when it comes to survival on our campus.  Here is your chance to share your knowledge with visiting friends, incoming students, naive freshmen, or even parents!!! (we all know how crazy Moms' Weekend gets)  Your advice can be as simple as "go to class and you will pass" or "don't stumble onto the sidewalk with a beer in your hand"----Tell us what you have done to survive here!!!!!


  1. Simplest advice I can give - stay in the yard when at a fest party or turn your solo cup upside down if you're crossing the street or walking on the sidewalk. Use basic commonsense and you'll be ok.

  2. If you absolutely have to pee in an alley way on court street---hide behind a dumpster or go down a flight of stairs. (Especially on Halloween) In my time here, I have seen several people arrested for "Public Urination".

  3. Don't let your mom leave your site at the bar. I can't tell you how many stories I hear every year about college guys fucking visiting moms on Moms' Weekend. How utterly embarrassing and disgraceful... Keep them on a leash.

  4. This should go without saying, but I'm gonna go ahead and post it in case someone may have missed the memo: DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES PET A HORSE THAT A COP IS ON unless you first ASK the cop if you can pet the horse. If you pet the horse without asking, you are assaulting a police officer and they WILL arrest you. This may seem like common sense, but you'd be surprised how many people (my guess is they are visitors, not OU students) get busted for this.

  5. dont shit on the wall. or shit in your bed and wipe it on the wall.

  6. Don't wear nice shoes to Seven Fest!

  7. take easy classes spring quarter

  8. If a woman is drunk, don't rape her. If a woman is walking alone at night, don't rape her. If a women is drugged and unconscious, don't rape her. If a woman is wearing a short skirt, don't rape her. If a woman is jogging in a park at 5AM, don't rape her. If a woman looks like your ex-girlfriend you're still hung up on, don't rape her. If a woman is asleep in her bed, don't rape her. If a woman is asleep in your bed, don't rape her. If a woman is doing her laundry, don't rape her. If a woman is in a coma, don't rape her. If a woman changes her mind in the middle of or about a particular activity, don't rape her. If a woman has repeatedly refused a certain activity, don't rape her. If a woman is not yet a woman, but a child, don't rape her. If your girlfriend or wife is not in the mood, don't rape her. If your step-daughter is watching TV, don't rape her.

    If you break into a house and find a woman there, don't rape her. If your friend thinks it's okay to rape someone, tell him it's not, and that he's not your friend. If your "friend" tells you he raped someone, report him to the police. If your frat-brother or another guy at the party tells you there's an unconscious woman upstairs and it's your turn, don't rape her, call the police and report him as a rapist.

  9. There was a somewhat recent NPR story about David Lisak’s extensive research on college rapists. NPR summarizes Lisak’s findings thusly:

    There’s a common assumption about men who commit sexual assault on a college campus: That they made a one-time, bad decision. But psychologist David Lisak says this assumption is wrong —-and dangerously so.

    It might seem like it would be hard for a researcher to get these men to admit to something that fits the definition of rape. But Lisak says it’s not. “They are very forthcoming,” he says. “In fact, they are eager to talk about their experiences. They’re quite narcissistic as a group — the offenders — and they view this as an opportunity, essentially, to brag.”

    What Lisak found was that students who commit rape on a college campus are pretty much like those rapists in prison. In both groups, many are serial rapists. On college campuses, repeat predators account for 9 out of every 10 rapes.

